Membership Information
At Raleigh Durham Radio Control we have a very active membership, with a cap of 160 members. We invite everyone in the area to visit us at the field, fly as our guest (AMA required of course) and decide if you would like to join us.
Current Membership Dues
- $150 Open Membership*
- $10 Family Member (Family of Open Member)
- $75 Associate Membership*
- $25 Youth Membership*
- $25 Student Membership*
Fill out RDRC Membership Application
You MUST check the box to show you have read the By-Laws and Field Rules in order to join!
The form file is fillable, just type in the boxes and select your options in the dropdowns. Once complete, email the file and a copy of your AMA card to RALEIGHDURHAMMEMBERSHIP@GMAIL.COM, this is the preferred method so we don’t need to interpret the handwriting. Alternatively, you can print & mail it to our PO Box listed below or bring it to a monthly meeting.
Membership Form in PDF (with fillable and drop down boxes)
Membership form in pdf (only for printing out and writing in)
Send in your dues via PayPal, check or cash
Pay by PayPal
- As a new member, you’ll send the sum of the membership dues (see prorated table below), a $55 Capital Assessment Fee, plus $5 to cover PayPal fees. (ie: If joining in Jan, you’d pay $150 + 55 + 5 = $210)
Pay by check/cash
- As a new member, you’ll send the sum of the membership dues (see prorated table below), and a $55 Capital Assessment Fee. (ie: If joining in Jan, you’d pay $150 + 55 = $205)
- Checks should be made to Raleigh Durham Radio Control
- Bring your completed form, copy of current AMA card and check/cash to the monthly meeting
- OR mail it all to:
Raleigh Durham Radio Control
P.O. Box 563
Youngsville, NC 27596
PLEASE NOTE: You must attend a monthly meeting to be officially voted into the membership!
Month Joined | Membership Renewal $150 Annually |
January | $150.00 |
February | $137.50 |
March | $125.00 |
April | $112.50 |
May | $100.00 |
June | $87.5 |
July | $75.00 |
August | $62.50 |
September | $50.00 |
October | $37.50 |
November | $25.00 |
December | $12.50 |
Fill out RDRC Membership Application
You MUST check the box to show you have read the By-Laws and Field Rules in order to join!
The form file is fillable, just type in the boxes and select your options in the dropdowns. Once complete, email the file and a copy of your AMA card to RALEIGHDURHAMMEMBERSHIP@GMAIL.COM, this is the preferred method so we don’t need to interpret the handwriting. Alternatively, you can print & mail it to our PO Box listed below or bring it to a monthly meeting.
Membership Form in Word
Membership Form in PDF (with fillable and drop down boxes)
Membership form in pdf (only for printing out and writing in)
Send in your dues via PayPal, check or cash
Pay by PayPal
- Please add $5 to cover PayPal fees ($155 total for adult membership)
- If you’re renewing after Jan 1st, you must add $50 late fee!
Pay by check/cash
- If you’re renewing after Jan 1st, you must add $50 late fee!
- Checks should be made to Raleigh Durham Radio Control
- Bring your completed form, copy of current AMA card and check/cash to the monthly meeting
- OR mail it all to:
Raleigh Durham Radio Control
P.O. Box 563
Youngsville, NC 27596